It was early in the morning
To the temple He did go,
He sat down to teach the people
Because He loved the people so.

But the Pharisees brought Him a woman
And they divulged a sordid fact,
She had been taken in adultery
Taken in the very act!

Now Moses in the law commanded
That she should be stoned in such a case,
But what sayest thou O Master,
Just what penalty should she face?

This they said to tempt Him
To accuse Him was their game
They had even sought to kill Him
Because He had put them all to shame.

But Jesus stooped and with His finger
Began to write upon the ground
Just as though He had not heard them
For He with wisdom did abound.

They continued asking for an answer
How for her sin must she atone?
Jesus said, Let the sinless one among you
Be the first to cast a stone.

While He waited for an answer
Again, He wrote upon the ground
Then when He looked, He saw the woman
But no accusers could be found!

For they that heard Him were convinced
And they departed one by one
It was their conscience that condemned them
They were no match for God’s Son!

Now the accusers have all left them
Jesus and the woman are alone
And the woman is now standing
Standing as before the throne.

Jesus asked, “Doth none condemn thee?”
And she said, No man Lord.”
Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn thee
Go thy way and sin no more.”

As you travel along life’s pathway
And you realize you have sinned
Let your soul be cleansed by Jesus
And you will have peace within.

He has promised to forgive you
If you will His Word obey
Why not believe, repent, confess Him
Be baptized into Him today?

You will then be a new creature
Cleansed of every spot and stain
Walking in the narrow pathway
Eternal life is yours to gain.

As a babe, you’re sure to stumble
Don’t give up, keep up the fight!
He has promised continual cleansing
If you keep walking in the light.

He will never leave thee or forsake thee
He will always be your friend
Then when this life is over,
You too, can stand there, not condemned!

Justified before The Master!
A better verdict can’t be found
Life’s trials are all behind you
You’re in Heaven, safe and sound!!

D. Arbaugh

The woman taken in adultery, John 8


  1. Nice! I will post a link on the MeWe church of Christ group. Have you looked at It’s a great social media that is safe, free, private, and no ads. It’s growing. Hope all is well. God bless!


    1. Janice, it is good to hear from you again after a long silence. I accidentally ran across an article from you recently and thought of all the times we used to discuss Bible on the Sisters’ List. I would hope would provide a safe place to chat.


    1. In a sense every Christian is brother (or sister) to another, but it does help to feel the bond of blood too. 😉


    2. I forgot to mention we are out for visas, but our plan is to be back as soon as the semester begins the first of June.


    3. We have been in India since June 7th and will need to go for visas again late November.

      I have been following your blog about the Grahams, but often fail to respond to your posts. Something is going on with my WordPress account that locks me out so that I cannot reply. This old DELL is cooperating for some reason.


Let me know what you think.